I had the smoked salmon appetizer (as seen in the picture on the left). The food was absolutely fantastic. I had the cream of broccoli soup, caesar salad, sirloin steak and then fried ice cream for dessert.
After dinner, I went to my room to lay down, and immediately fell asleep, but was rocketed awake by canons blasting in the room. The seas became rough during the night and since we're in the bow of the ship, we hear and feel every slam of the waves.
Once I was awake, I realized that I was totally weightless, and tried to sit up, but as soon as I engaged my core, the ship fell back down a wave, and I was pressed into the mattress. My grogginess didn't help the situation because I felt like I needed to get down off my top bunk. This turned out to be a terrible idea with the waves.
Then, another wave hit again. BOOM! The entire room shook and with each swell, the room popped and creaked as if it were being ripped apart.
I had woken up enough to realize we weren't in any danger, but then I wasn't really able to go back to sleep. Laying on my side, I was tossed back and forth, so I laid on my back hoping that the seas would rock me to sleep. Each time I drifted...BOOM.
It was a long night.
The seas were calmer this morning, but showering was a little rough. We've been talking about how to conserve water on the ship because at the rate we're going, we're going to run out before we get to Spain. Rough seas help the showering situation. One doesn't want to stay in the moist, churning compartment for longer than needed.
Today's a post-production day, and I'm working on editing the second webisode which we'll try to start getting online once we get to Japan on Sunday.
Five more days at sea, and the waves are scheduled to get worse. It's time for the PMA (positive mental attitude) to kick in. At least I'm not seasick!
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